Day 2: The Monkey Takes Over
Ok, so I let these crazy biker humans run the show for day one. I wasn’t really sure what they had in store for me, so I sat back and chilled. Well that’s over with. Now, I’m taking charge!
For those that haven’t met me, I’m the monkey they have tagging along for these adventures to nowhere. They dress me up, they toss me around, and they have me strapped to the back of the bike. No gear, just flopping around in the wind. They say ATGATT (all the gear all the time), but I don’t even get a freakin’ helmet!

Sunday morning came too soon. They had me up late playing cards the night before, then expected me to just ‘rise and shine’ before the sun even came up? I think it was something like 6:30 when I peeked over and saw them heading for the picnic table.

I sent two of them into town to get some breakfast for the rest of us. They took Rebecca’s bike, since it would fare the best two-up on the unpaved road. She was considerate enough to take her luggage off it first, and Deb and Erik were on their way. They came back with the cooler bungeed onto the back of the bike. Just glad I wasn’t also strapped on the back there! According to Erik, there IS such a thing as a back seat rider, and Debbie’s picture is listed next to that entry in the dictionary.

The humans ate some breakfast-looking bakery stuff that apparently came from a gas station, but they all said it tasted good. Kolaches, donut holes, and cookies. Healthy, eh? “That was a strong raisin!” proclaimed Gavin after biting into an oatmeal cookie.

Precious, commonly referred to as “Miss P”, came by to see what all the fuss was about. At first I was glad the humans still had me up on the table, but I quickly came to realize that she wasn’t going to hurt me.

I went snooping around the wood pile for a bit, and took a few more pics.

I got to climb a tree with the tall human, Erik. Finally! You’d think these people had no idea what monkeys like to do or something!

Are you crazy humans going to pack up your stuff so we can go, or what? Time’s a wasting and you guys said you wanted to make the most of the day!

Apparently they think this is the proper technique for cleaning out the tent…

They finally had all their crap reloaded on their steel horses, and I got strapped back onto the bike for the journey home.

But first, a few stops to find local geocaches. One was at a scenic overlook in La Grange, where I got to come off the bike for a few pictures. Unfortunately, I got blocked by Debbie in this one.

So I got to pose for one of my own. Too bad it wasn’t sunny out.

We also met this guy. His name is Bob, and he’s from New Mexico. We told him about the trip we’ll be going on at the end of the month out his way, and he gave us lots of recommendations about where to go and what to see. He had a steel horse of his own, but his was much bigger than the others I’ve been riding with. They say it’s called a Road King, but I didn’t see a crown or scepter.

Then we went to find another cache, but this one was in the woods near a school. They found what they were looking for, then the humans went looking around in the area. They found this, a swing out over the river. Uh, hello? I’m the monkey. I’m the one that’s supposed to be swinging from trees!

They got hungry after all the tree-swinging cache-finding fun, so they went over to the local DQ. How many men does it take to get Rebecca out of her pants? HAHA! Seems Rebecca had some issues with her zippers, so this compromising position was just too much for me to resist snapping a pic.

While inside stuffing their faces, the group was pleasantly surprised to find that DQ is apparently the social center in this town. These lovely ladies had stopped in for their Sunday afternoon game of Dominoes.

After eating, the group headed home for Katy, Houston, and Huntsville. This weekend was a lot of fun, and I think everyone learned a little about themselves and their camping companions. Well, we could have done with a little less knowledge of this side of Erik, but it was still fun.

See ya next time!
Cool blog and very witty writing from the monkey‘s perspective. I can’t wait to read some more ride reports. I actually have a monkey too. I updated my blog with a pic of my monkey, he’ll be riding with me this year. My monkey doesn’t wear any lipstick though :P
Great blog I will add you to my hit list. Great stuff
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